Register your business name online, considering structures like Sole Proprietorship (for individual ownership), Trade Name/Operating Name/DBA (under a corporation), General Partnership, or Limited Partnership (for flexibility). Professionals collaborating, like lawyers or CPAs, might find the Limited Liability Partnership appealing.
Sole Proprietorship
- Sole Proprietorship is the simplest form for Starting a Small business. It is a good option for a Business
owned by one person.
Limited Partnership (LP)
- Limited Partnership is formed by 2 or more people. An LP should have a minimum of one general partner and one limited partner.
Trade Name/Operating Name
- Trade Name is the simplest form for Starting a Small business. It is a good option for a Business owned by Company/Corporation.
limited Liability Partner(LLP)
- Limited Liability Partnership is formed by 2 or more professionals like lawyers,
CPA, etc.
General Partnership
- General Partnership is suitable for 2 or more people forming a business with equal
Incorporate your Business
- Incorporate your Business: is suitable for one or more people forming a company with limited liability to the owners. A Corporation is a separate entity from it owners.